Curious Cat Management Improvement Dictionary - C Level

C Level Executive (C Suite) - Senior leadership positions, the chief titles: CEO (Chief Executive Officer), COO (Chief Operations Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer), CTO (Chief Technology Officer)...

Related terms:

Related blog posts on executive pay: Tilting at Ludicrous CEO Pay 2008.

"Honda doesn't disclose executive pay in detail, but the sum of salaries and bonuses that Fukui shares with 36 board members, $13 million... Honda has never had an unprofitable year. It has never had to lay off employees."

Toyota's 32 top executives received just over $12 million in salaries (and $8 million in bonuses in 2007 (when the company made over $13 billion).

Recommended books for C Level executives (and those on their way there): The Leader's Handbook, The New Economics, Lean Solutions and Profit Beyond Measure.