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Deming books related to Deming's ideas

Deming W. Edwards Deming (management theory)

Bohm David Bohm (Creativity, Dialouge)

Box Geroge Box (applied statistics and Quality)

Scholtes Peter Scholtes (Teamwork, Leadership)

Senge Peter Senge (learning, systems)

Wheeler Wheeler (SPC, applied statistics)

Statistics Six Sigma, Box, Deming, Joiner...

Learning Improving the Learning Process (Kohn, Dewey)

Philosophy Theilhard de Chardin, Schumacher, C.I. Lewis...

Dilbert is better to laugh than cry about the state of most "management?"

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Buy The Improvement Guide now

The Improvement Guide A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance, 1996. An excellent practical handbook to consult as you work on improving your organization. Highly recommended.

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