Curious Cat Deming Connections
Deming on Management - Deming's management ideas have greatly influenced modern management practice. Many quotes and thoughts are attritbuted to him. Here, I attempt to clearly indicate what he actual said and include some of my thoughts on what he meant.
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Companies Applying Deming's Ideas
Curious Cat Management Improvement library
- Quality and the Required Style of Management by W. Edwards Deming Journal for Quality and Participation 1988
In the Beginning, There Were Deming and Juran by Phil Landesberg, Dec 1999 
Originally published in the Journal of Quality and Participation. A nice (very short) look back on the lives and ideas of Deming and Juran with the aim of encouraging us to learn from their work.
Does anybody give a hoot about profit? by W. Edwards Deming and Henry R. Neave, Jul 1900 
Dr W. Edwards Deming gave a short presentation to some 25 executives from major European companies. This document is a transcript prepared and edited by Henry Neave.
Leaders of People: Some are Wonderful, Some are Clueless. The Rest are Somewhere In Between by Peter Scholtes, 1996
Variation, Management and W. Edwards Deming by Brian Joiner and Marie Gaudard Quality Progress December 1990
Many more articles relating to Deming's ideas
Sites with a few pages relating to the Deming Philosophy
Consultants with some Deming info on their site
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Curious Cat Management Improvement Bookstore
- Associates in Process Improvement including: Gerald Langley, Ronald Moen, Thomas Nolan and Lloyd Provost, The Improvement Guide
- Langford International, David Langford, Orchestrating Learning With Quality
- SPC Press, Donald Wheeler, Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos
- Scholtes Seminars and Consulting, Peter Scholtes, The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done, 1998. details
- WWS Inc., Bill Scherkenbach, Deming's Road to Continual Improvement
- Interactive Seminars and Consulting, Dr. J. Gerald Suarez
- John Hunter
Blogs, Mailing lists and Newsletters
Books relating to the Deming Philosophy
- Order books online, most at discounts of 20 or 30%, via the Curious Cat Management Improvement Bookstore's list of Deming related books