Management improvement > Community Quality Electronic Network > Management Improvement Web Directory
Community Quality Electronic Network
Web Resources
- Community Quality Electronic Network Directory of Local Quality Groups
- Center for Quality of Management
- ASQ Community Quality Councils Committee
- Madison Area Quality Improvement Network - one of the first local quality groups, their Hunter Conference on Quality has been held annually since 1987.
- Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Excellent reports by experts including: W. Edwards Deming, George Box, Kaoru Ishikawa, Brian Joiner and Peter Scholtes including several on Community Quality efforts.
- Deming Learning Network (Aberdeen, Scotland) the local presence of an international community committed to improving the performance of organisations. Our aim is to facilitate the searching out and sharing of global knowledge and experience; and through its members, provide support and assistance in its application.
- Curious Cat Management Improvement Library - hundreds of articles selected by us on Quality Management, Six Sigma, Deming, Management Improvement, etc. Includes handbooks, reports, training material, student guides and more.
- Quality New Jersey
- Curious Cat Six Sigma Connections
- GOAL QPC - "a not-for-profit educational institution whose mission is to help organizations and communities to grow and prosper." Publisher of the Memory Jogger, Six Sigma Memory Jogger, etc.
- ASQ - American Society for Quality
- Curious Cat Management Blog Directory