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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan, 3rd Edition, 776 pages, 1998. Our favorite JavaScript Book. It would be nice to have an update (this covers JavaScript 1.2) and it is not the best for beginners but is worth the extra effort it takes to get through. For those new to JavaScript we suggest getting this and one of the books better for starting out.
JavaScript Bible by Danny Goodman, 3rd Edition, 1998. Another excellent book. Many examples and a good balance of a tutorial and reference book.
JavaScript for the World Wide Web by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith, 3rd Edition, 292 pages, 1999. Another very popular JavaScript book. It is not our favorite but is very good and a bit better for the beginner than some of the others.
JavaScript Pocket Reference by David Flanagan, 1998. A good, but not perfect reference. Is very popular but we find it a bit difficult to find what you want and lacking in detail - however, most people seem to really like it.